Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I know I have been missing for the last week, I have been running around like a mad woman but we are finally settling back into our routine.  Amazingly with all the craziness I have managed to pretty much stay on budget.  I have had 2 minor slip ups, one was printer ink, we have now realized that we are going to need a home fund for things of that nature so that one was ok the 2nd not so much.  I originally was going to take Payton's 1st birthday pictures myself but she has decided that mommy photos just aren't really fun anymore.  I just needed them done so we went to Portrait Innovations on a whim.  They were terrific and the pictures came out great but that was not in our budget and I should not have done it.  OOPS!!! This is going to be a learning process for me sometimes shopping and self control don't match with me.

So now I will explain more about our process.  Since we are following Dave Ramsey's method, we start a new budget every month.  His belief is to fill in your budget until you get to $0 dollars.  We fill in all of our necessary items and then the rest goes to savings.  I believe its helpful to budget to $0 so that in my mind I don't think "oh there is extra for me to use" then in my head I can spend double or triple the extra.
This is the form that I created for us to use at our monthly Budget Committee Meeting (I liked Dave Ramey's fun title it makes it sound important)  We are still working out the issues with the form but for now its working.

They are bound and put in my wallet where your check book would go so that I always have them.

We have also started using the envelope system.  Let me just tell you all how tough that has been.  Walking around a store knowing that you only have a certain amount of money and once its gone its gone is SO tough.  It has done two things, A. made me much more aware of how much things cost and what I buy that I don't need. B. I spend 10X's longer in the store now debating what I am going to buy and do I really need that.  I have a very long dialogue that goes on my head as I am shopping about whether I need it or not. It has been a very good thing though, as tough as it has been I really realized I bought a lot of crap that was not needed.  I do REALLY miss going shopping all the time but that wasn't helping anyone.  I am considering starting back at the gym to help give me something to do during the day instead of wanting to go shopping all the time. 

I am sure there will be more growing pains as we continue this process but I hope that it can lead us to happier more financial sound family.
Payton's Mom

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