Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4

I never realized how truly tired I could be.  I feel like every ounce of energy is sucked right out of my by the end of the week.  I want to be able to do more with P sometimes but I am just so exhausted especially on weeks like this when my husband is EXTREMELY busy at work and not around much.  I never blame him because I know he has to work and without that we would be lost but we barely got through bath time tonight. I still have laundry and dishes that have to get done because P has no bottles left to drink out of and I am pretty sure she is going to want one in the morning.  I am now going to go finish my chores and then head to bed!
Payton's Mom

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3

Today back to a struggle.... remaining emotionally stable
I have been going through some emotional things for the last few days and potential betrayal by someone I thought I could trust and its been painful.  I realized today though as I was crying that for the past two days other than yesterday at mom's group I haven't been a very good mother.  I have wallowed in my own self pity and let P just kind of play alone a lot.  I decided today that no one is worth me being upset for so long that it takes away from this precious time that I have with my BABY because she won't be my baby for much longer.  She is growing up SOOOO fast and is ever changing and I feel bad because I missed the past two days because I wanted to feel sorry for myself because someone was doing something shady.  I have decided they have there reasons for being the way they are and I can not change them I can just show them how a person that lives with grace and humility will handle this.  This person is not leaving my life and I have to be a mentor to this person so I am going to rise up and be a bigger person and not let myself go to there level.
Monday, I learned from a very wise woman that I need to put my raincoat on and not let there storm get me wet.  The great thing about storms is that they eventually end.  If you look at every complication that comes your way as a storm that will END it will make weathering that storm just a little bit easier.  I am not here to tell you that there won't be storms that feel like category 5 hurricanes but they will end and the sun will come out.  The lesson I learned was that I can't let other peoples troubles and downfalls create troubles in my life.  I have a larger responsibility and that is to raise a beautiful little girl into the best woman she can be.  I hope that I can dust my raincoat off and bring myself up to a better place.
Payton's Mom

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 2

Today I am going to share one of my joys of being at home.
I joined a mom's group through meetup, we are all first time moms with babies born in the last year or so.  I really loved that I got involved in this group.  They have been my sanity sometimes.  I know that I have things that I can look forward to doing that get us out of the house and are FREE (budget is big since I am at home). I love getting to play with all the babies and remember the old ages and seeing whats just around the corner for P.  I think Payton really likes seeing her "friends".  We enjoy getting together and just talking and chatting.  I recommend this to any SAHM it is truly a lifesaver to have people that know what your going through.
Payton's Mom

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1

Ok so lets start with Marriage and Staying at home
I have a terrific husband that works insanely hard to provide me this terrific opportunity, BUT it has been a learning experience for him as well.  He used to could come home and play a few games on the computer and unwind before having to "deal" with me because I was on facebook or doing something else also unwinding from my day.  WELL not anymore, when he gets home A. I want someone to talk to since as cute as she is P just doesn't converse back with me, B. I need help with her she is a crawling moving machine and it takes a lot out of me chasing her all day.  This doesn't leave much time for him to unwind and that has been a struggle for us to find balance.  He knows we both have had rough days and need a break but we have to find a balance.  Its been a work in process.  
I have also been struggling with after she goes to bed.  We both just want to truthfully go to sleep, and most of the time that is what happens and then by Friday night I am sad because I realize we have not spent much time together.  Its been really difficult to find time for just the two of us.  We are trying to work on communicating our feelings on both topics a little better.
Payton's Mom

31 Day Challenge

So I have seen this going around on other peoples blogs and I decided to join in.  I have racked my brain about what my topic should be and I figured since this is all about being a SAHM I would continue that theme and each day I will tell you why I made the decision to stay at home, why I think I am crazy for staying at home, what freaks me the hell out about being at home, and tips about getting through being at home.  Can't wait to see what I come up with.
Payton's Mom


Welcome to my new blog!!! I am going to try this again since I did not do as great with my other blog.  Life is fast but I want to make time to sit down and write out my life.  This will be a place for me to laugh and cry and let all of you know how I am doing with my new venture of being a Stay at Home Mom. Let me start by showing you my new boss.

This is Payton Allie Dyer born Jan 5th at 5:37pm

This is Payton now almost 9 months later
She is a hand full but I love every minute of being at home with her and sharing these precious early years with her.  I always thought I wanted to be a SAHM because I wanted to be able to take her to the movies on a Tuesday morning if that was what we wanted to do that day.  Then the day came to make that decision and I will admit it was much harder than I ever expected.  I still think on a weekly maybe daily basis did I make the right decision.  So here goes nothing I am going to hopefully show you how we survive everyday.
Payton's Mom